I have three ponies and one dwarf mini horse, and I do their hoof trimming. Their feet are extremely hard and very difficult to trim with a hoof knife. They are low to the ground, so I basically sit on a rolling stool. Switching to the hoof boss with the chain desk has not only made hoof trimming tolerable but I actually enjoy it now. The dwarf mini has irregular limbs and hoof growth, and the chain disc is the perfect tool for him. There is nothing like this on the market, I know I’ve looked. I actually bought a The dwarf mini has irregular limbs and hoof growth and the chain disc is the perfect tool for him. There is nothing like this on the market, I know I’ve looked. I actually bought a second oof boss and use a carbide wheel on one tool and the chain cutter on the other. It’s a great 1-2 combo.